
Long-range Planning
Long Range Planning focuses upon the future of Temple Beth Sholom to ensure that it continues to be an important integral part of the Jewish community of North-East Queens. It studies the needs of Temple’s current members and ways to attract new ones. Its other functions include proposing and planning ways to beautify TBS, identifying programs and events for our Temple to participate in, and studying possible changes in operating procedures to fit congregants’ needs. This Committee then presents their ideas to various operating committees for future implementation.

Ways & Means,
Barry Packer, Chair
The Ways & Means Committee is the fund-raising arm of the Temple. Its activities include: Auctions where anyone can come to bid on bargains, greet Temple friends and mingle with them and the Chicken Soup Cook-off. 

Pulpit & Ritual Committee,
Geri Weiss, Chair
This committee reviews Shabbat services with the Rabbi and Cantor at monthly meetings. They plan special services for all holidays and festivals, as well as discuss issues pertaining to the pulpit/sanctuary. The committee is responsible for selecting congregants to perform Shabbat candle lighting, to recite the Kiddush, to perform honors during the High Holy Day services, and to serve as ushers at all services. They also manage the zoom operations for services and events held in the sanctuary.

Use of Building

This committee coordinates the room assignments in our synagogue for the various activities taking place at the Temple Beth Sholom at any given time. In addition, it supervises the renting of our Temple’s many rooms to outside organizations when appropriate and when they are not in use. Space is rented on a continuing basis or for special occasions.

Religious School Board
The Religious School Board oversees the Religious school, and works closely with the Religious school principal, clergy, and the Parents Association.

Publicity & Community Events
The Publicity committee promotes all religious and secular events taking place at the Temple to members and to the community. It advertises TBS’ services and programs in newspapers, on radio, and in local community publications. It also designs fliers and brochures to be distributed to Temple members by mail.

House Committee, Jim Kettig, Chair
The House Committee is responsible for maintaining the Temple building is in good physical condition. It determines if repairs are necessary and solicits contracts for them. It also supervises our maintenance staff who are on the premises at all times.

Membership Committee,  Lori Lustig, Chair
Membership plans yearly open houses and advertising to ensure that Temple Beth Sholom services and activities are available to the community at large. If any Temple members need a lift to Friday night services, Membership Committee will arrange a lift for them.

Budget, Audit & Finance Committee
This committee meets two or more times a year to review the financial health of Temple Beth Sholom. It plans Temple’s revenues and expenditures for the coming year and adopts its budget in its final form.

Caring Committee, Deirdre Weiliky, Chair
The Caring Committee works with the Rabbi to provide emotional support to temple members at times of illness and bereavement year round, mainly by sending get well and condolence cards, sometimes by making calls. Calls are also made to older members living by themselves. Cards are sent to these and some additional older members for Passover and Rosh Hashanah.

Social Media, Eric Bernstein, Chair
This committee publicizes events on social media outlets including Facebook, the Patch, and other websites

Social Action
The TBS Social Action Committee meets monthly to discuss activities related to improving the lives of people in our community. They are involved in activities, such as donation drives for local children’s organizations, efforts to get out the vote in upcoming elections, and planning speaking-educational events, among other things. If you’d like to become involved in the committee, please join their monthly meeting, which is usually held on Sunday mornings.