Welcome to Temple Beth Sholom
At Temple Beth Sholom we conduct many gatherings in person as well as via Zoom.
TBS is now holding most of its Friday evening Shabbat services at 7:30 pm in a hybrid fashion – in person and via Zoom. Masks are strongly recommended but not required. Please check our website for the most up-to-date information regarding whether a service is hybrid or only via Zoom.
Saturday morning Torah Study at 10:00 am and a Tuesday Healing/Meditative Service at 7:30 pm are conducted via Zoom only.
For security reasons, we are not posting the meeting IDs on-line. Call the office for the information; if you are already a member the information will be e-mailed to you.
We will continue to send emails as that is the most efficient way to reach most of you. We have reached out to members who we believe do not have internet access. If you are aware of anyone who should added to that list, please let our office staff know. We want to be able to communicate with everyone in the manner that is most effective and comfortable for them.
We hope that you stay safe and healthy. Know that your Temple family is here to support you.
Please note: Like everyone else, Covid has put great stress on our Temple and Temple Family. We need your support more than ever. If you can find a way please consider a donation. You can now do so via PayPal either at the following link or the PayPal button at the bottom of the page.
Thanks for your help!
B’ruchim Haba-im! Temple Beth Sholom is more than a synagogue. In many ways it is a family. For most of us it is our “home away from home.” Founded in 1950, we have a rich history and have been a mainstay of Reform Judaism in Northeast Queens.
We are a congregation that holds high the belief that every person is created b’tzelem Elohim—in the image of God. As such, we welcome every Jew to our community, regardless of background: interfaith couples, blended families, Jews-by-choice, individuals of all ages, races and sexual orientation. We encourage everyone to learn, discover, and explore new areas of Jewish living as we deepen our relationship with God and the Jewish people.
As a Reform synagogue, we meld the richness of our Jewish tradition with modernity. We strive to be inclusive and to honor the ideals of an ever-changing and growing Reform Judaism. We are dedicated to the core principles of Judaism: the worship of God, tikkun haolam— working to better the world around us, and lifelong Jewish learning.
Our congregation considers education one of the most important Jewish values. We have an exemplary Religious and Hebrew school, which serves students from ages 3 through 18. Our school’s mission is to instill in our children a love of Judaism and to make them feel comfortable in whatever synagogue they may find themselves. But education doesn’t stop there, with our children. We offer outstanding Adult education programs, from Adult Hebrew to our weekly Shabbat Torah study classes. Temple Beth Sholom is the perfect place to experience all the joys of being Jewish. Come grow with us!
Visit Us
171-39 Northern Boulevard, Flushing, NY 11358 • 718-463-4143 • Fax: 718-463-5487
Download the latest TBS Voice
For archived copies of past issues, please go here.
Questions? Comments? webmaster@templebethsholom.org